Monday, February 23, 2009

Effective Email Writing Skills...

How to communicate powerfully by email
When you're trying to locate some information in an e-mail someone sent you a few weeks back, what helps you find it quickly? If the sender included the information you want in a long message covering lots of points, the chances are that it will take you time to find it. Worse, if the sender is someone you communicate with regularly, and he or she just pressed Reply to a previous message about a different point, the heading of the mail you need won't actually be related to the information you want.

Most of the people see the email rather than reading it and then decide to read it or not. So its very important to write an email in this format to give it an attractive and a professional look.

There are a few simple rules to ensure that your emails are read in the first place and stay useful to the recipient.

  1. The most important thing while writing an e-mail is that it should be in SQTA format.
  2. S - Situation
    C - Complication
    Q - Questions
    A - Answers

    Most of the people see the email rather than reading it and then decide to read it or not. So its very important to write an email in this format to give it an attractive and a professional look.

  3. The email should have a good subject line. Subject Lines are Headlines.
    The headline in a newspaper does two things: It grabs your
    attention and informs you what the article is about so you can decide whether
    you want to read further. Email subject lines need to do the same thing.
  4. Repetition of words should be avoided.
  5. While writing professional emails avoid words like I or me, rather use words like we.
  6. Keep your email short, sweet and simple. Use short and less number of sentences.
  7. At the end but most importantly have a proper end line for the email.

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