In this documentary for the first time in history, the world`s leading scientists, authors and philosophers gather to reveal All the resources you`ll ever need to be as successful as those who knew The Secret... Plato, Newton, Carnegie, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Einstein.
On a more serious note, this book is skilfully marketed to convince people that some new truth is about to be revealed here. But nothing of the sort takes place. It is simply a flashy repackaging of some very old ideas: positive thinking, cosmic consciousness, and so on.
It says that you can have anything and everything you want in live if you apply the Great Secret of Life
Law of Attraction
We all work with one infinite power; we all guide ourselves by exactly the same law. Everything that is coming to your life you are attracting into your life. And it is attracted to you by virtue of the images you’re holding in your mind. It’s what you are thinking. Whatever that is going in your mind you’re attracting it to you. The simplest way to look at the law of attraction is to think of you as a magnet. Like attracts like. Our job as humans is to hold onto the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want, and from there we start to invoke the law of attraction. You become what you think about most but you also attract what you think about most.
In short, Thoughts become things.
The message is simple: you and I are God, are energy, are the universe, are perfection, are spirit, etc. As such, “you can have, be, or do anything you want”. Want a perfect partner? A new home? Perfect health? A new job? A million dollars? A new waistline? It’s all yours. Just claim it. Receive it. No more negative thoughts. Just think happy, positive thoughts and anything you desire is yours. It is the creative visualisation message made popular in the New Age Movement: you create your own reality. You script your own destiny.
An Example from my own life:-
Another incident which clearly demonstrates the power of positive thoughts:-In my graduation, in the first semester I got a backlog in one of the subject as I was not prepared completely for the subject. In the next semester I cleared the previous one but again i had another one and now from the second semester. This in turn created a negative thought in my mind that I would get a backlog each and every time i appear in the exams and every time it happened the same. However in the last semester I decided to myself that “...whatever happens I have to be all clear this time....” this in turn created positive thoughts in my mind and as the days progressed I was feeling more and more confident. And guess what.... it really worked. I got cleared all the subjects.
Recently I have developed an interest in white paper presentation. Every time Isee any advertisement about any paper presentation competition I always give it a thought. This is about the one which I presented in my own college (Indira Institute of management) and in JSPM College. Because of the previously presented papers I had developed a sense of positive attitude in me. So it went this way... when I and my partner were writing the white paper we were preparing it as we have already won the competition. According to a rule of our college for any Inter college competition internal students are not considered for prizes. But this competition is not as of any other ordinary competition. This was a competition where even the home students knew just the topic and winning only depends upon your own skills. So we tried to convince our faculties to consider us for prizes. Most of the times we got the answer that u first present then we will see. However we were already in a thought of winning. We were least interested about how the other presentations would be. The only thought that was going on in our minds that “if we present we are going to be the winners.” And we presented with the same confidence and zeal in Tchzeal-2009. Unfortunately we were not finally not considered for prizes however again as each and every coin has two sides we are now so confident that whenever we see any advertisement for any competition we are already in a state of mind of winners. And with the same attitude we presented our white paper in JSPM college and guess what we were the winners.
This was only and only possible because of the sincere efforts of all our faculties specially Mrs.Poornashakar, who always motivated us to perform well, my partner Awdhesh for his sincere efforts and all my colleagues for always supporting us and their valuable suggestions to do better and better each and every time. And at the last and the most importantly I would like to specify the name of the person who always taught us lessons about thinking positive and thinking out of the box and many many more. He is our faculty for soft skills. A trainer, an author, a consultant and a great great motivator - Mr.Nitin Ahir. I would be discussing some more things that I learnt from sir in the next postings.
You’re 100% responsible for everything.
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